ASSESS Initiative Publishes its First Strategic Insight Paper
The ASSESS initiative has been organized around a key set of themes associated with expanding the usage and benefit of engineering simulation.
October 25, 2018
ASSESS Initiative, a multi-industry initiative to facilitate enablement that will increase the availability and effectiveness of engineering simulation announces the release of the first Strategic Insight Paper related to the ASSESS Initiative Credibility Theme.
The ASSESS initiative has been organized around a key set of themes associated with expanding the usage and benefit of engineering simulation: Align: alignment of commercial, research and government efforts; Business: business challenges; Credibility: engineering simulation credibility; DoES: democratization of engineering simulation; Generative: generative design; Integration: integration of systems and detailed sub-system simulations; and Twin(s): engineering simulation digital twin(s).
The ASSESS Initiative is planning on publishing Strategic Insight papers related to each of these themes, which will be made available on a “members only” basis.
“We consider our participation in ASSESS not only an opportunity, but also an obligation. Being a part of this forum, along with the most influential parties of our community, is of paramount importance for the mapping of a coherent and successful overall strategy for simulation,” says Sam Saltiel, chief communications officer of BETA CAE Systems.
“ASSESS provides an opportunity to get a broad-based, non-parochial perspective on the state-of-practice and direction in the computer-aided Engineering industry, as well as providing a community in which to share concepts and advance the collective investment in the industry,” says Gene Allen, president & CEO of Decision Incite.
The first Strategic Insight Paper published is:
Understanding an Engineering Simulation Risk Model
An Engineering Simulation Risk Model (ESRM) is a Predictive Capability Assessment that includes a set of recommended best practices and associated metrics to understand and manage the “appropriateness” and risk associated with Engineering Simulation influenced decisions.
The approach outlined in this paper for an ESRM is founded on the concept of determining the “appropriateness” of the simulations performed to influence/support the decision(s) being made. This approach to Predictive Capability Assessment is inspired by the NASA-STD-7009A “Use Assessment”, Sandia Predictive Capability Maturity Model, the emerging ASME V&V 40 standard, NAFEMS Simulation Governance and Management Working Group activities, and the ASSESS Credibility Theme discussions. The objective of this ASSESS Strategic Insight Paper is to initiate discussions leading to further development of an effective generalized ESRM that can be used to support the current and dramatically expanding use of engineering simulation.
“The vision of the ASSESS Initiative is to significantly increase the use and benefit of engineering simulation. This Strategic Insight Paper regarding an Engineeering Simulation Risk Model is a major step forward toward the ASSESS Vision,” says Joe Walsh, CEO & co-founder, ASSESS Initiative.
Sources: Press materials received from the company.
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