August 8, 2017
Autodesk has released its first update to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2018 for subscription and maintenance plan customers, now available everywhere.
If users are on an AutoCAD 2018 or AutoCAD LT 2018 subscription license or maintenance plan, they will automatically have access to the newly released AutoCAD 2018.1 Update via the Autodesk Desktop App.
The AutoCAD 2018.1 Update offers new software enhancements and tools. To help identify new features in the user interface, turn on the “Highlight New Features” option in the Help menu.
Now, when working with named views and layout viewports, simply select a view from the new view gallery and place it onto your layout. The result is the same as the multi-step process of creating a layout viewport, making it active, selecting a view, setting the scale, resizing the viewport, and locking it.
Improvements to the Layer Manager and other Layer controls make it easier to identify overrides and to restore them to their default values. And you have more control over which Xref layers and layer properties are restored when Xrefs are reloaded.
Regarding support for high resolution monitors, more than 200 dialog boxes and other user interface elements are updated to enhance the viewing experience on 4K displays and higher.
Plot and Preview offer significant performance improvements for drawings with missing SHX fonts. Custom line type properties are supported when checking STANDARDS with multiple custom line type definitions in drawing. Crossing window and Fence selections are supported when trimming or extending lines that are not on the current UCS plane.
For more info, visit Autodesk.
Sources: Press materials received from the company.