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January 18, 2008
By DE Editors
COADE (Houston, TX) released PV Elite 2008, an enhanced edition of the company’s integrated pressure vessel design and analysis software that incorporates the latest ASME code updates to Section VIII Division 1. To help boost productivity, many more items can now be globally modified for what if’ cost and engineering scenarios.
New features in PV Elite 2008 lets you create tubesheet layouts for shell and tube heat exchangers and generate ASME U-1 forms with design information directly from PV Elite in Microsoft Excel format for easy customization. Also, new graphical improvements provide enhanced representations of gooseneck nozzles from bottom heads plus lug and support pads.
New international codes include Australian seismic code 1170.4-1993, Canadian 2005 seismic and wind codes, the European EN 1991-1-4:2005 (E) wind code and the updated Australian Wind code.
COADE is also releasing CodeCalc 2008, an updated edition of the engineering software company’s tool for individual vessel component design and analysis that comes as part of PV Elite.
A complete list of the enhancements in PV Elite 2008 and Code Calc 2008 is available from COADE, Inc.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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