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CADsmart V6 Evaluates User Proficiency on AutoCAD & MicroStation

A cost-effective and speedy alternative using one-to-one interviews, testing, or exams.

A cost-effective and speedy alternative using one-to-one interviews, testing, or exams.

By DE Editors

CADsmart (Clearwater, FL) released version 6 of its CAD skills assessment software, CADsmart v6, which uses live video recording of candidate assessments that can be replayed for training and support.

This improved application means that companies will find it easier and quicker than ever to assess their employees’, and potential employees’, AutoCAD and MicroStation abilities and productivity. Existing customers are automatically upgraded to the latest software as part of their subscription.

The easy-to-install software has two main applications: A ‘Premier’ assessment,  typically an hour long, that can be used once or twice a year to evaluate employees’ CAD skills, productivity and speed. ‘Premier’ pinpoints areas will benefit from training and development. And an ‘Xpress’ exercise of around 10-20 minutes that is perfect for interview situations where a potential employee’s expertise needs to be speedily revealed.

CADsmart is a cost-effective and speedy alternative to other solutions such as using one-to-one interviews with staff to gauge their level of CAD experience,  developing an in-house CAD-test, or putting staff through more formal examinations.

In comparison, the CADsmart software package requires minimal supervision and incorporates automated marking to provide instant results once the exercise has been completed.

For details, visit CADsmart.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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