Dyndrite Unveils New GPU-Powered, Python-Scriptable, AM Build Processor

New application brings performance improvements and native CAD-to-print capabilities to additive manufacturing technicians.

New application brings performance improvements and native CAD-to-print capabilities to additive manufacturing technicians.

Dyndrite Additive Manufacturing Toolkit with Python interface. Image courtesy of Dyndrite.

Dyndrite Corporation, developer of additive manufacturing software, unveiled its Additive Manufacturing Toolkit (AMT) and accelerated production preparation build processor for 3D printing. The company also announced the “Magic Amnesty Program,” a limited-time offer for metal and industrial plastic additive users.

Built upon the company’s Accelerated Computation Engine (ACE), a graphics processing unit-powered geometry kernel, AMT provides manufacturing-oriented features. Capabilities include native CAD file import for maximum quality of 3D-printed output, as well as an integrated Python application programming interface for customizable scripting of interactive, automated workflows.

Dyndrite’s ACE geometry kernel and AMT build processor were designed from the ground up using a “First Principles” approach, leveraging modern methodologies and technologies to meet the requirements of customers in the aerospace, medical, automotive, energy and service bureau markets. Dyndrite enables users to manage terabytes of manufacturing data, print higher-order geometries such as splines and dynamically adjust parts in-situ to increase both throughput and quality. 

The Dyndrite architecture is a horizontal, scalable solution. Applications include improved manufacturing execution systems, product data management and product lifecycle management, topology optimization, simulation and other predictive printing technologies that inform users of the ‘printability’ of objects before and during production.

It includes the following capabilities:

  • multi-threaded CPU/GPU (graphics processing unit) performance that reduces compute time from hours to seconds;
  • hybrid geometry kernel capable of hosting any geometry type without demoting to lower quality triangles;
  • ability to prep files for any vector or raster 3D print process, incl. Direct Metal Laser Sintering, Selective Laser Sintering, Selective Laser Melting and Binder Jetting;
  • ability to directly output spline data to devices that support it;
  • ability to handle massive datasets beyond 225M STLs (>10GB verified);
  • accelerated lattice and support generation, reducing hours of processing to minutes; 
  • flexible part labeling while retaining original geometry;
  • streamlined user interface & user experience simplifying the build prep process;
  • Python interface for scripting workflow, including interactive applications; leveraging both a graphical user interface and Python scripting interface; and
  • ability to “Save as Python,” enabling non-technical, non-Python users to work in the GUI and easily produce Python code that can be “rerun” by anyone, reproducing workflows previously created within the graphical user interface.

Companies can savemoney by using the “Magic Amnesty Program,” Dyndrite notes. For a limited time, if a company has purchased any other legacy build processor, Dyndrite will provide seats to match internal team users. The Magic Amnesty Program ends at midnight on April 10, 2020.

In a separate release, Dyndrite also announces the inclusion of simulation and topology optimization companies ANSYS and Altair, along with 3D printing companies 3D Systems, SLM and ExOne as the newest members of the company’s Developer Council. This is a select group of independent software vendors and original equipment manufacturers tasked with steering the future development of the Dyndrite roadmap. 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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