Elements of Analysis Buyer’s Guide

By DE Editors


Welcome to a special Elements of Analysis version of DE's Buyer's'Guide. Ifyou need to know who provides products like those featured in this special section, this iswhere you should start. But for additional information and links tomore sources, make sure you check out the latest version of this guideby clicking here.

The information in this guide was provided by the companies themselves.Data for this edition of DE's Buyer's Guide was taken from theonline version, which is updated continuously. DE's Buyer'sGuide online lets you perform dynamic searches using multiple criteria andlink right to the company you're looking for.

DE makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the data in this guide.However, some vendors may not have completed their information in timefor our deadlines. If that includes your company, see the informationat the bottom of this page.

> To get the most up-to-date version of DE's Buyer's Guide, click here.—DE Staff



ADINA R and D, Inc.


Altair Engineering, Inc.

AMPS Technologies Company
1310 Old Freeport Road, P.O. Box 38121
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
P: 412.963.1753; F: 412.963.1753
[email protected]

> AMPS Technologies develops the Advanced Multi-Physics Simulation(AMPS) software with the mission of delivering an advanced simulationsystem with the most up-to-date FE technology, the best computersoftware engineering, and in a friendly office-tool style Windowsinterface so an engineer can master the real-life analysis in a fewdays.

AMPS uses an integrated formulation for strongly coupled problems suchas nonlinear large deformation fluid-solid interaction, Joule heating,conjugate heat transfer, electromagnetic contact, and complextemperature sensitive nonlinear problems such as MEMS applications.

With a wide customer base including corporate RandD centers and manyprestigious universities, we are committed to push AMPS beyond thecurrent technology limit.

Ansoft Corp.


Aptech Systems, Inc.

Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc.

Cadre Analytic

Camnetics, Inc.



CoMeT Solutions

Computer Technologies Corp.


CoreTechnologies, Inc.

COSMOS—The Analysis Division of SolidWorks

Cranes Software, Inc.

Dassault Systemes Americas Corp.

DreeseCode Software

dSPACE, Inc.

Engineering Software

Engineering Technology Associates, Inc.

ESI Group

ESRD, Inc.
111 Westport Plaza, Ste. 825, St. Louis, MO 63146
P: 314.744.5021; F: 314.744.5038
TOLL FREE: 866.964.9100
[email protected]

> ESRD is committed to the challenge of improving the reliability ofinformation generated by numerical simulation while substantiallyreducing the time and effort required to perform computer-aided designand analysis tasks. ESRD's flagship FEA product, StressCheck, has manyinnovative and unique capabilities that support this goal.

In support of demands for standardization and automation, StressCheckoffers Toolkit FEA, a set of COM and Java API's that facilitatecommunication with other applications (e.g. Excel, Mathcad, MatLab,etc.) and provide a means to develop custom applications that featureyour own user interface. Toolkit FEA facilitates the creation ofdesktop or web-based design/analysis tools that enable the transitionfrom conventional closed-form solutions to reliable and accurateFEA-based solutions that offer much more flexibility. Please visit ourwebsite for more details.

Eurocom Corp.

FeatureCAM by Delcam

Gamma Technologies, Inc.

Geomagic, Inc.

GoldSim Technology Group

Hanley Innovations

Infolytica Corp.

Integrated Engineering Software

Intelligent Light

Interactive Supercomputing

ITT Visual Information Solutions

Lahey Computer Systems, Inc.

Lambda Research Corp.

LMS North America

Magsoft Corp.

Moldflow Corp.

MSC.Software Corp.

National Instruments

Neilsoft Ltd.

Network Analysis, Inc.
4151 W. Lindbergh Way, Chandler, AZ 85226
P: 480-756-0512 x147; F: 480-820-1991
[email protected]

> The SINDA/G suite of Thermal Design software involves an advancedthermal analyzer called SINDA/G with transparent integration to popularmodelers such as FEMAP, PATRAN, and ANSYS. Additionally, direct links tocommon radiation and orbital heating codes. Models can also be builtdirectly from MS Visio or Excel.

Noran Engineering, Inc.

Ohio Computer Aided Engineering

Original Concepts Design, Inc.

Ozen Engineering, Inc.

PDE Solutions, Inc.

PlassoTech Corp.

Pointwise, Inc.

SolidProfessor, Inc.

Spatial Corp.


SyTech, Inc.

Tecplot, Inc.

The MacNeal Group
2400 N. Lincoln Ave., Altadena, CA 91001
P: 6262966220; F: 626.296.6221
[email protected]

> Developers of NASTRAN-xMG and the NASTRAN L-Series products. TheMacNeal Group, LLC (tMG) was founded by a group of engineers that arededicated to the delivery of finite element analysis technologies toimprove the reliability and efficiency of virtual product development.The principal founder of the company is Dr. Richard H. MacNeal. Dr.MacNeal has long been recognized throughout the worldwide community offinite element analysis users and developers as being one of theforemost authorities on finite element technology.

The MathWorks, Inc.


Third Wave Systems

Universal Technical Systems

Vero International, Inc.
28345 Beck Road #210, Wixom, MI 48393
P: 248.869.4040; F: 248.869.4059
TOLL FREE: 1.888.540.VERO
[email protected]

> CAD/CAM Software for the Tooling Industry:

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DE Editors

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