Jetbox Releases iC5 Turbo for ENOVIA

Reduces time required to implement and support PLM solutions.

Reduces time required to implement and support PLM solutions.

By DE Editors

Jetbox has released iC5 Turbo capabilities for additional ENOVIA Engineering Central and Program Central. iC5 Turbo is a sales and implementation toolset that, according to the company, reduces the time and eliminates the expertise required to sell, implement, support, and upgrade a PLM system.

Jetbox offers iC5 Turbo solutions for Engineering Central, Program Central, Product Quality Central, Quality Improvement Central, and the entire suite of Life Sciences Accelerators. The solution also has existing integrations to CAD systems such as SolidWorks with Designer Central and CATIA with VPM.

For more information, visit Jetbox.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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