SUB10 Systems Deploys Aras PLM

Solution enables electronics manufacturer to improve collaboration.

Solution enables electronics manufacturer to improve collaboration.

By DE Editors

SUB10 Systems Limited, a provider of   millimeter wave (MMW) wireless Ethernet bridges based in Devon, UK, has selected the Aras PLM solution suite combined with Minervas Electronic and High-Tech (EHT) solution to improve collaboration, streamline development processes and drive product configuration management across the enterprise.

Sub10 Systems specializes in the design, development and manufacture of the Liberator and Dominator brands of wireless, MMW point-to-point links. Liberator high-speed wireless data links deliver line-of sight connections using MMW over distance of up to one kilometer. Designed for use in urban locations, the compact links are smaller than an iPad and offer lower cost provisioning, installation and operation.

To accelerate implementation and leverage industry best practices, the Company will implement Minervas Electronic and High-Tech solution for Aras Innovator. We considered other PLM solutions developed for the electronic industry, but selected Minervas EHT solution on top of Aras because it gives us a lot of functionality, proven best practices and industry knowledge, along with reduced implementation time, said Nick Redfern, NPI Manager at SUB10 Systems.

At Minerva, weve applied our more 10 years of experience implementing PLM solutions specifically for the Electronic industry into a solution that combines advanced technology with an open source business model to enable companies such as SUB10 Systems to get their PLM projects up and running quickly and cost-effectively with minimal risk, said Leon Lauritsen, Director at Minerva.
For more information, visit Aras and Minerva.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.


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