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Autodesk Product Design & Manufacturing

One Market, Ste. 400
San Francisco, California, 94105
United States of America
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Manufacturers are under more pressure than ever to deliver better products faster, at lower cost, and with less waste. Autodesk is driving the development of future design and manufacturing technology to help you accelerate product development and deliver superior customer experiences.

Manufacturing related products include: Product Design & Manufacturing Collection, Inventor, Fusion 360, and AutoCAD.

Autodesk Products

Generative design is an exploration tool that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to simultaneously generate multiple solutions based on real-world design goals, product performance requirements, and manufacturing constraints. Learn how it can change your company.

By using generative design technology, Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) was able to shed an additional 4.8 kilograms (10.5 lbs) for the latest iteration of the car. While about 40 parts of the car have been 3D-printed, the wheels have been fabricated on a conventional 5-axis mill.

Hyundai Motor Group is pushing the boundaries of vehicle development and reimagining how vehicles might traverse the world. In a collaboration with product innovation studio Sundberg-Ferar, the team sought to answer the question, “What if cars could walk?”

Generative design allows you to simultaneously generate multiple CAD-ready options based on real-world manufacturing constraints and product performance requirements. Try generative design today and see how manufacturers are developing lighter, stronger, and more innovative products.

Autodesk in the News

The design process requires the right hardware to support higher data and simulation workloads.

Gift reportedly largest ever given to university’s College of Engineering and Architecture.

It’s not about typing or shouting executable commands.

Combining metal AM and CNC milling in a single hybrid system can give manufacturers a cost and flexibility advantage, but there are trade-offs.

Even more AI tools are added to the latest release of AutoCAD.

Autodesk launches AI-powered Project Bernini, revealing how users might produce 3D content in the near future

The MSI add-on for Autodesk Fusion helps users discover the carbon impacts of design decisions.

Subdivision modeling gaining ground in production phase surface modeling.

Artificial intelligence also plays a role in building an efficient, economic plant layout for optimal operations.

The development team has enabled cloud simulation results to be accessible directly from a user’s desktop.

Updates offer support for open standards and improved modeling, animation, simulation, and rendering capabilities. 

Autodesk releases a new State of Design and Make Report for 2024, highlighting AI's role.

Solution providers turn to machine learning to reduce print failure.

This release brings over 142 enhancements, each made to improve user experience, company says.

AutoCAD 2025 is designed to enhance your 2D and 3D design experience, according to Autodesk.

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