Special Industry Focus: Electronics Design

In this Special Focus Issue of Digital Engineering, learn about new innovations in electronics design, including printed electronics, 5G design, and eCAD.

The design and development of electrical systems and electronic devices has grown increasingly complex. Products and components that used to be entirely separated from electrical systems now have electronics and sensors integrated within them. Multiple wireless technologies must co-exist in products without interfering with each other, or suffering from electromagnetic interference generated by other systems.

In this Special Focus Issue, we look at some of the challenges involved in the design of these products and the technologies that can help. We also take a look at how simulation is affecting the design of power grids to help efficiently run these devices. We hope you enjoy the issue.

Inside this issue…

  • Fortifying the MCAD-ECAD Bridge
  • Multiphysics Sparks Innovation in Electronics Design
  • 3D Printing Inches Toward Electronics
  • Digital Twins and the Pursuit of Efficient and Optimal Power
  • Energy-Efficient Computing: Pipe Dream or Possibility?
  • Simulating a Path to Grid Modernization
  • And more!
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