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The Design Gridlock Manifesto

6 Ways Old CAD Technology Slows Your Company Down (And What You Can Do About It).

Design Gridlock is an unavoidable set of productivity-draining problems that slow companies down at the most inopportune times.

As the pressure for more speed and innovation in product development continues to increase, engineers and manufacturers who are using old file-based CAD systems are too frequently forced to either stop working or take a few steps backward.

When does momentum come to a screeching halt?

  • When engineers are forced to wait for co-workers to check in design files before they can make edits.
  • When engineers have to recreate lost work due to CAD crashes and corrupted files.
  • When teams are frozen by the confusion of multiple file copies, wondering “which version is really the final version of our design?”

Furthermore, if new design team members are hired for a project, they may have to wait days or weeks to purchase additional CAD licenses, depending on the responsiveness of the Value-Added Reseller (VAR). Or if your external partners are using an earlier version of the same CAD software, they are forced to upgrade before they can even read your files.

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