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Dell EMC

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Simulating Humans
HPC-backed in silico simulation could fuel the next revolution in clinical studies and treatment development.
Editor’s Picks: March 26-April 1, 2020
One of the picks will be chosen as DE’s Editor’s Pick of the Week.
HPC is Saving Lives
Real-world examples of HPC providing insights to healthcare and life sciences.
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See Biomolecules Clearly
HPC helps researchers visualize molecular processes in high resolution.
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AI Used to Train AI
Research improves on AI diagnostic rates by building upon existing models.
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Speeding Discovery to Recovery
Big data: if you typed 60 words a minute, eight hours a day, it would take 50 years to record one human genome, creating a stack of paper as high as the Statue of Liberty — and a single misspelling could cause a...
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Garvan Selects Dell EMC for HPC Infrastructure
The Garvan Institute of Medical Research has selected Dell EMC to deliver a high-performance computing (HPC) system for Garvan’s Data Intensive Computer Engineering (DICE) group.
From Big Data to Bioinformatics
The future of personalized medicine depends on data and the high performance computing resources needed to analyze it.
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Computing Cures to the Cloud and Back
Warch hybrid computing in action at Virginia Tech.
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Faster Degenerative Brain Disease Research
The University of Pisa found that by installing Intel Optane drives, they could shrink exam procedure from 40 minutes to about two minutes.
Simulating Humans
HPC-backed in silico simulation could fuel the next revolution in clinical studies and treatment development.
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Simon Fraser University’s Cedar Supercomputer
With more than 3.6 petaFLOPS of computing power, Cedar and its network will allow thousands of researchers from British Columbia and across Canada to collect, analyze, share and store immense volumes of data.
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Optimize Clusters to Speed Analyses
Intel and Dell EMC have collaborated on research to help developers better optimize big data clusters.
Forecasting the Next Epidemic with High Performance Computing
High performance computing is critical to detecting and studying infectious disease transmission.
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Gustave Roussy Cancer Center Speeds up Treatments
Gustave Roussy is one of nine partner organizations within Dell EMC’s Children’s Cancer Care program.
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PowerEdge MX Launches

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Ohio R&D Center to Advance National Security Propulsion Technology
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