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ESI Reinforces its Welding Simulation Suite with Visual-WELD

User interface optimizes distortion and stress analyses.

User interface optimizes distortion and stress analyses.

By DE Editors

ESI’s Visual-WELD is a workflow-based software user interface for modeling welding fabrication processes including all manufacturing details. It reinforces ESI’s Welding Simulation Suite by facilitating distortion and weld quality virtual engineering.

Visual-WELD helps reach a stress minimized welding assembly within tolerances at minimal cost, respect customers’ specifications, and secure the production. It helps control component weld quality in terms of temperature, micro-structure, and residual stresses. Consequently, it enables engineers to avoid problems such as backside temperature, stress corrosion cracking, and crack initiation due to tensile stresses at the wrong place. Engineers are also able to produce uniform stress distribution and uncover hot stress spots all over the design due to the welding fabrication process that would have negative impact on the fatigue life. 

For more information, visit ESI Group.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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