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Nimbis Services Releases Beta of Cloud-Based CFD Accelerator

Solution provides pay-as-you-go billing for CFD analysis.

Solution provides pay-as-you-go billing for CFD analysis.

By DE Editors

Nimbis Services announced the beta release of its on-demand Caedium CFD Accelerator cloud product, the first of two Caedium-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) service products running on Microsofts Windows Azure cloud platform.

Caedium, by Symscape, is a complete desktop CFD workflow environment with a graphical user interface integrated with OpenFOAM CFD solvers. Nimbis extends the use of Caedium beyond the desktop to the Windows Azure cloud with on-demand access and pay-as-you-go billing through an e-commerce technical computing marketplace. Examples of CFD models frequently analyzed with Caedium include airflow over a moving car or an aircraft wing, and water flow through pipes.

Nimbis Services’ Caedium CFD Accelerator is designed to make cloud-based technical computing of CFD simulations more widely available by lowering the boundaries including cost, access, and ease of use of technical computing in the cloud. Beta users will have access to a free, shared trial deployment for the first month of the beta program for initial evaluation. Beta users may also order a dedicated pay-as-you-go Azure deployment.

For more information, visit Nimbis Services.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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