WIPO Report Lists 3D Printing as Driver for Economic Growth

WIPIO report encourages investment in 3D printing to drive future economic growth.

The WIPO discusses its latest report. Courtesy of WIPO.

As anyone who has ever played Civilization can tell you, technology is a primary factor in determining the overall economic health of a country. Countries that are financially able to develop technology at a rapid pace are better able to compete in the global economy. The drive and ability to invent also provides a glimpse at the educational might of a country.

The World Intellectual Property Report 2015: Breakthrough Innovation and Economic Growth lists additive manufacturing (AM) among other emerging technologies, such as robotics and nanotech, which have the potential to energize future economic growth. As ever, investment is the key to realizing that potential and the WIPO also encourages increased levels of tech investments from countries that are behind the curve.

The WIPO discusses its latest report. Courtesy of WIPO. The WIPO discusses its latest report. Courtesy of WIPO.

“Historical technological breakthroughs have been at the root of long-lasting expansions in economic output,” said WIPO Director General Francis Gurry. “Successful innovation, at the company level or across the wider economy, requires perseverance, particularly in periods of anemic growth when innovation budgets are under pressure. We need to reinforce the environments that give rise to the breakthrough technologies of tomorrow.”

The WIPO is a branch of the United Nations that was founded in 1967. It acts to ensure intellectual property (IP) rights are recognized around the world among its 188 member states. Unlike other UN institutions, much of the WIPO’s budget comes in the form of fees for IP applications and registrations.

According to the report, 75% of the world’s patents in AM, robotics and nanotechnology are held by six countries. The United States leads the world in 3D printing patents, followed by Germany and Japan. Unsurprisingly, 3D Systems and Stratasys hold the most patents in the US, trailed by General Electric and United Technologies.

The report also noted the critical role played by public research and universities in the growth and development of emerging technologies. Unlike past growth in technology, such as in aerospace or semiconductors, much of the innovation has involved public-private partnerships. Accordingly, WIPO has encouraged countries interested in promoting technological growth to invest in continuing education and the public sector.

Below you’ll find video highlights from the WIPO’s release of the new report.

Source: WIPO

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John Newman

John Newman is a Digital Engineering contributor who focuses on 3D printing. Contact him via [email protected] and read his posts on Rapid Ready Technology.

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