DE Video News Roundup, January 11, 2019

News from CES on autonomous cars, SaaS simulation with GPU acceleration, and Autodesk's 3D printer and Chromebook giveaway.

Video highlights news from CES on autonomous cars, SaaS simulation with GPU acceleration, and Autodesk's 3D printer and Chromebook giveaway.

Attendees arrive for the opening day of CES 2019. Image courtesy of CES.

CES Highlights: AI-Powered Vehicle Cockpits, Virtual Driving Simulation, and 6K Video Editing on the Go

From CES (Consumer Electronics Show, Jan 8-11, Vegas, Nevada):

  • NVIDIA and Mercedes-Benz announce a partnership to develop AI architecture, design the AI-powered cockpit. Company executives unveil rendered interior of concept.
  • Dassault Systemes integrates a partner's virtual driving simulation software into its 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • Autodesk, Red (a digital camera maker), and NVIDIA join forces to enable high-def 6K video editing on the laptop on the go.

VR with Direct Support for SketchUp

VR collaboration solution developer The Wild supports a common architecture format.

GPU Speeds Up On-Demand SimScale Solver

SaaS simulation solution provider SimScale adds GPU-powered solver to its products. New solver reportedly cuts transient simulations from weeks to hours.

Autodesk to Give Away 3D Printer and Chromebooks

Autodesk announces contest to give away a popular 3D printer, a laser cutter, and Chromebooks, and electronics kits to schools that want to start their own maker spaces. Learn more about the contest.

Watch the video above for more details and subscribe to DEstreaming on YouTube.

More Autodesk Coverage

Generative Design Pushes Workstation Performance
The design process requires the right hardware to support higher data and simulation workloads.
Autodesk Gives $5M to Howard University
Gift reportedly largest ever given to university’s College of Engineering and Architecture.
Generative AI Enters Next Phase with Natural Language
It’s not about typing or shouting executable commands.
CAM Meets AM to Enable Hybrid Manufacturing
Combining metal AM and CNC milling in a single hybrid system can give manufacturers a cost and flexibility advantage, but there are trade-offs.
What’s New in AutoCAD 2025
Even more AI tools are added to the latest release of AutoCAD.
Autodesk Company Profile

More Dassault Systemes Coverage

Unified Modeling And Simulation (MODSIM) For Sustainable Product Development
Companies in all sectors must address the need for greater sustainability to meet customer demands. The development of new products necessitates rigorous testing and evaluation, while efforts must be made to decrease emissions and operate in a more economical fashion.
Eagle Point Software Partners with SOLIDX to Expand Reach in UK
Collaboration brings Pinnacle Series to SOLIDWORKS users in the UK.
ASICS, Dassault Systèmes Demo On-Demand, Personalized Footwear
The “ASICS Personalization Studio” at Dassault Systèmes' headquarters in Paris, demonstrates a science-based approach to aid physical recovery in performance.
Dassault Systèmes, Bel Group Partner for More Sustainable Food Industry
Bel Group's expertise in manufacturing brands such as The Laughing Cow and GoGoSqueez, combined with Dassault Systèmes' technological approach, can drive next-generation industry solutions.
VR Models Streamline Training for Manufacturer
Leveraging CAD models and virtual reality, Permco has streamlined training and created a new technology subsidiary.
Dassault Systèmes and Mistral AI Partner on AI Solutions
Partnership combines virtual twin experiences and sovereign cloud infrastructure by Dassault Systèmes and large language models (LLM) by Mistral AI.
Dassault Systemes Company Profile

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Kenneth Wong

Kenneth Wong is Digital Engineering’s resident blogger and senior editor. Email him at [email protected] or share your thoughts on this article at

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