September 4, 2013
ZWSOFT released ZW3D 2013 Service Pack. Available in 64-bit and 32-bit versions, ZW3D 2013 SP features improved 3D modeling and 2D drafting, as well as more than 200 other improvements.
The ZW3D-based Wrap function supports the shaping of geometries to the contours of 3D modules. This provides designers with three different approaches to wrap different kinds of geometries, including curves, shapes and 2D designs, the company says. The reverse engineering process has also been simplified via Point Cloud, which can convert millions of points to a 3D surface.
2D drafting has been enhanced, providing an approach to integrate 2D workflows in 3D CAD design. Projection accuracy and multi-CAD data communication have been improved in the new release, so 2D drafting functions more efficiently with well-displayed lines, increasing productivity and accelerating the drafting of a 3D model with higher precision, the company claims.
For more information, visit ZWSOFT.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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