Adeunis Wireless Kits Satisfy Bluetooth & 915MHz Needs

Saelig also offers USB DeviceExaminer software that automatically verifies device conformance to USB2.0 specification.

Saelig also offers USB DeviceExaminer software that automatically verifies device conformance to USB2.0 specification.

By DE Editors

Saelig (Pittsford, NY) announces the availability of Adeunis DemoKits, a wireless product range from Adeunis-RF (France), a European manufacturer of wireless solutions, that Saelig says is easy to use.

Adeunis DemoKits ($149) lets users quickly and economically add wireless capabilities to product designs so they can integrate a wireless function into an application.

PC-connected Adeunis DemoKits include all the essential functions for evaluating Adeunis-RF’s wireless modules, carrying out RF measurements, and developing a prototype.

Software provided allows simple and rapid application-specific configuration of the radio modules, also enabling users to easily make sensitivity, power and RF parameter measurements. All the DemoKits have spare circuit areas for easy addition of customer-specific electronics, as well as access to all the radio module’s signals. The DemoKits come in UART TTL wireless modules (ARF54, with built-in microprocessor, dedicated firmware, and an integrated antenna for a bidirectional digital connection for short (300m), medium (1500m), and long (6000m) range) and Bluetooth Modules (ARF32/ARF52 Class 2/Class 1 Bluetooth modules, fully compliant with Bluetooth V2.0 standard). Data BT or Audio BT versions are available.

In a second announcement, Saelig is offering USB DeviceExaminer software that automatically verifies device conformance to USB2.0 specification. It is provided free with USB Explorer EX260 Generator ($8.999), an industry-standard USB Explorer260 line of protocol tools, and verifies that a USB device under test complies with USB2.0 Specification Chapter 9, and Hub, HID, and Mass Storage standard classes,  where applicable. When used with the USB Explorer260 Generator, which is made in Switzerland by Ellisys, DeviceExaminer automatically discovers a USB device under test (DUT) connected to the generator and displays its relevant information. The DUT’s class is detected and tests pertinent to that class are automatically loaded. The software then executes a suite of tests, monitors the resulting interactions, and generates a report detailing the pass/fail results of each individual test.

For details, contact Saelig Co. Inc.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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