Arcam CAD-Metal System for Larger Parts

By DE Editors

The Arcam A2 direct digital manufacturing and prototyping system from Stratasys (Minneapolis, MN; enables the production of metal parts that are 75 percent larger than previous models.

The A2 comes with two interchangeable build chambers, allowing users to choose between either a high or wide build chamber depending on each part’s requirements. The high build chamber measures 200mm x 200mm x 350mm (7.87 x 7.87 x 13.78 in.). The wide chamber is cylindrically shaped with a diameter of 300mm and height of 200mm (11.81 x 7.87 in.).

The A2 incorporates improved electron-beam control and a high-voltage power supply. It also includes an advanced heat model, which improves build speed, precision, and part accuracy. New software offers automatic calibration.

EBM (Electron Beam Melting) technology, patented by Arcam AB, produces solid metal parts by building up layers of metal powder, each of which is melted by an electron beam to the geometry defined by the CAD file. Because this process occurs in a high vacuum, parts are completely solid, without imperfections caused by oxidation. The EBM process is ideal for applications where high strength or high temperatures are required. Materials offered for EBM systems include F-75 Cobalt Chrome, Ti6AI4V Titanium, and Ti6AI4V ELI Titanium, which features improved ductility and fracture resistance at low temperatures.

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