Arena PartsList and PDXViewer Simplify Product Data Sharing

New Arena Solutions modules allow users to import designs from ECAD and share completed bills of materials and PDX build packages.

New Arena Solutions modules allow users to import designs from ECAD and share completed bills of materials and PDX build packages.

By DE Editors

Arena Solutions, a provider of cloud bill of materials (BOM) and change management software, announced the launch of Arena PartsList and Arena PDXViewer, two new applications that make it easy for manufacturers share product data as they move from prototype to production.
PartsList and PDXViewer are flexible applications that, according to the company, can give engineers more control over their prototyping projects. PartsList is a lightweight BOM management app, and PDXViewer is a build package viewer. Using PartsList and PDXViewer together,  engineers can import designs from ECAD, automatically complete documentation, then share completed BOMs or PDX build packages with anyone.

Engineers can use PartsList to complete documentation for an ECAD or spreadsheet BOM or collect datasheets for a list of parts in one click. PartsList can also be used to comparison shop for critical components or create a new bill of materials from reference designs. PartsList exports BOMs to CSV or PDX.
PDXViewer is a free cloud application that displays and filters PDX build packages. It can also be used to break build packages up into supplier specific part bundles, or remove unwanted or private files,  items, contract manufacturers and contacts from the build package.

For more information, visit Arena Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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