Heat Transfer, Fluid Design System Advances

Vendor says latest version unlocks new areas of modeling.

Vendor says latest version unlocks new areas of modeling.

By DE Editors

CandR Technologies, Inc. (Littleton, CO) has announced the version4.8 release of its suite of advanced heat transfer and fluid systemdesign and analysis tools. The suite, which leverages off theSINDA/FLUINT solver engine, comprises the SinapsPluspre/post-processor, Desktop Thermal model builder, the RadCAD thermalradiation analyzer, and the FloCAD graphical fluid analyzer module foruse Thermal Desktop or as a stand-alone application. CandRTechnologies says that Version 4.8 adds features that make existingmodeling tasks easier and that opens new areas of modeling capabilities.

SINDA/FLUINT is a finite-difference, lumped parameter (circuit ornetwork analogy) tool for analyzing complex heat transfer and fluidflow systems. Its PUMP capabilities now offer cavitation detection andmodeling. Its Rotating Paths functionality now easily handles axialcomponents of velocity, allowing for rotating paths to flow radially,axially, or in a mixed mode. New features include a solver connectivityand sensitivity checker; a TOTALTP routine that calculates the currenttotal (stagnation) temperature and pressure for a particular lump/pathpair; and heat transfer correlations for flow between rotating andstationary disks. For a complete list of SINDA/FLUINT updates, clickhere.

The Thermal Desktop model builder is used to develop the capacitanceand conductance network for input to SINDA/FLUINT. Among itsenhancements are AutoCAD 2006 compatibility and improved NASTRAN andANSYS importers. Click here for a full list of the upgrades to Thermal Desktop.

Version 4.8 installers are now available. Users with current supportcontracts may download the updated versions for free; however, you willneed to contact the CandR Technologies support department for newlicense files. Users with expired support contracts need to contact thecompany to upgrade to Version 4.8.

Speaking of free, interested parties can download free evaluationversions of SINDA/FLUINT, SinapsPlus, Thermal Desktop, RadCAD, andFloCAD from the CandR Technologies’s ftp site. The evaluation unitsare the full-distribution versions with 30-day licenses. Click here tobegin that process. Click here to go the home page of CandRTechnologies for complete details.

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