Linux Foundation Announces LinuxCon Conference Schedule

Linus Torvalds to participate in keynote panel.

Linus Torvalds to participate in keynote panel.

By DE Editors

The Linux Foundation has confirmed the conference schedule and speakers lineup for this year’s LinuxCon. The event, a new annual technical conference designed to provide a collaboration and education space for all matters Linux, takes place Sept. 21-23, 2009 in Portland, Oregon at the Marriott Downtown Waterfront.

LinuxCon brings together the end user and developer communities to meet and learn from their peers, as well as to teach others. LinuxCon provides a forum where attendees can educate themselves on the latest technical advances of the Linux platform.

“LinuxCon will provide a physical meeting place where all Linux stakeholders can discuss their work and have an impact on advancing the Linux operating system,” said Jim Zemlin, executive director at The Linux Foundation. “In today’s economic environment, Linux skills are in high demand, and gaining access to new information and advanced knowledge provides the right foundation for a productive career path. LinuxCon comes at just the right time.”

LinuxCon,  co-located with the annual Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC), has confirmed more than 75 sessions in three distinct tracks—Business, Developer and Operations—as well as tutorials and a special Keynote Panel.

For more information, visit the Linux Foundation.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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