Mellanox InfiniBand Accelerates Toshiba Medical’s AquilionONE

Computed tomography system enables faster diagnosis, reducing costs and improving health care.

Computed tomography system enables faster diagnosis, reducing costs and improving health care.

By DE Editors


The InfiniBand chip is being used by Toshiba Medical.

Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. (Santa Clara,  CA), a supplier of semiconductor-based, server and storage interconnect products, announced that its InfiniBand adapters accelerate Toshiba Medical’s AquilionONE, a new dynamic volume computed tomography system that shortens patient-diagnosis time.

The new device enables diagnosis of figure, dynamic image, and function within a single scan, decreasing the need for multiple, duplicative tests, and invasive procedures. Ultimately, this device leads to reduced healthcare costs, saved lives, and improved patient care.

The AquilionONE acquires large volumes of thin-slice, high-resolution data that can be rendered by advanced 3D volume and vessel visualization software to streamline image interpretation.

Mellanox InfiniBand adapters provide high bandwidth and low latency to keep overhead away from the processor, allowing more CPUs to be used for the visualization process, reducing the overall job runtime.

For details, contact Mellanox Technologies or Altima Corp. (Yokohama,  Japan).

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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