Siemens PLM Software’s Teamcenter Supports Microsoft SharePoint 2010

Teamcenter uses social networking concepts to facilitate collaboration.

Teamcenter uses social networking concepts to facilitate collaboration.

By DE Editors

Siemens PLM Software has announced that the community collaboration capabilities built into its Teamcenter software now support Microsoft SharePoint 2010.

“Working side-by-side with our own development team, Siemens PLM Software has done an outstanding job of weaving Teamcenter into the fabric of SharePoint 2010 in a way that feels seamless and natural to the end user,” says Sanjay Ravi, managing director, Worldwide Discrete Manufacturing Industry, Microsoft. “As a result, manufacturing companies using Teamcenter with SharePoint 2010 can boost productivity in all departments” not just engineering” while they use social networking technology to collaborate with clients.”

Through its alliance with Microsoft, Siemens PLM Software has been able to progressively integrate Teamcenter capabilities into its customers’ standard desktop environment.

“Companies are applying the concepts and lessons learned from social networking to connect people and enhance business interaction,” says Jim Brown, president and founder of Tech-Clarity, an independent research and consulting firm. “This shift towards corporate social networks promises significant business value, particularly as social computing technologies are applied to PLM.”

With the release of the Teamcenter community collaboration capabilities on SharePoint 2010, Siemens PLM Software and Microsoft continue to expand the value of PLM in a digitally connected world. For example, teams can increase their productivity by coordinating their daily activities through shared project workspaces enhanced with social networking tools such as wikis, blogs, profiles, surveys and more.

For more information, visit Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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