Tektronix Introduces New High Performance Logic Analyzer Module

TLA7BC4 provides long record length to capture more data; earlier modules re-priced.

TLA7BC4 provides long record length to capture more data; earlier modules re-priced.

By DE Editors


Tektronix, Inc. (Beaverton, OR) announced the 136-channel TLA7BC4 Logic Analyzer module for the Tektronix TLA7012 portable and TLA7016 benchtop series. The new module complements recently introduced TLA7BBx modules. With 20ps (50GSps) timing resolution and up 128Mb record length, the new TLA7BC4 module is suited for a range of state-of-the art embedded applications including DDR3-1600 and MIPI as well as computer applications such as Intel’s QuickPath Interconnect Technology.

The high performance of new and recent modules is partially due to enhancements in the patented MagniVu technology. The sampling resolution of 20ps in the TLA7BBx and TLA7BC4 modules represents a 6x improvement in timing resolution over previous generation Tektronix logic analyzers and is 12 times better than any other logic analyzer on the market. This ultra-high timing resolution allows designers to both troubleshoot difficult problems and verify tight timing margins across hundreds of channels.

The TLA7BC4 and TLA7BBx modules extend the performance of iCapture by 50 percent to 3GHz. iCapture enables the use of an external oscilloscope to view the analog features of a signal using a single probing configuration for both the logic analyzer and oscilloscope saving time and minimizing setup complexity — a capability unmatched by any other logic analyzer vendor.

The company also announced the new TLA7ACx modules that offer 2Mb of standard record length — a 16x increase over the prior TLA7Axx modules and 8 times that offered by competitive products. The TLA7ACx modules are offered in configurations of 68, 102, and 136 channels with state speed starting at 235 MHz that can optionally be increased to 450MHz. Record length starts at 2Mb and can be increased to 8 Mb, 32 Mb, or 128Mb.

For pricing details, please contact Tektronix.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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