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Visual Numerics Enhances PV-WAVE Visual Data Analysis Software

PV-WAVE 9.5 includes expanded OpenMP parallelization support as well as Windows Vista and Windows 7 support.

PV-WAVE 9.5 includes expanded OpenMP parallelization support as well as Windows Vista and Windows 7 support.

By DE Editors

Visual Numerics Enhances PV-WAVE Visual Data Analysis Software

Visual Numerics, a Rogue Wave Software Inc. company, has announced the general availability of PV-WAVE version 9.5, the next-generation of its data analysis and visualization software. This release includes expanded usability, new performance features, and broader platform support. The PV-WAVE family of products enables you to build and deploy visual data analysis applications. It is made up of PV-WAVE, an array oriented fourth-generation programming language used to build and deploy visual data analysis applications, TS-WAVE for time series analysis, and JWAVE for sharing data and collaborating visual data analyses across the enterprise.

With PV-WAVE 9.5, engineers, scientists, and business analysts are said to be able to build visual analysis applications on a wider range of platforms as well as perform data mining and forecasting of data sets to better understand trends, patterns, and anomalies in their data. Standard features include the ability to manipulate and visualize simple to complex datasets as well as the ability to detect and display patterns, trends, anomalies, and other information. PV-WAVE enables developers to incorporate sophisticated analysis routines based on the industry-standard IMSL Numerical Libraries for precision numerical analysis.

PV-WAVE 9.5 includes native support for 32-/64-bit Windows 7 and 64-bit Windows Vista. It has improved parallel performance on Windows platforms through automated runtime control of OpenMP threading parameters. OpenMP parallelization is also enabled for Linux 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. The Eclipse plug-in documentation is now integrated into the PV-WAVE Programmers Guide. Eclipse also includes support for console input when users are in the PV-WAVE perspective, the ability to change variable values, and support for breakpoints in non-workspace files. JWAVE, the web development environment for thin-client visual data analysis applications, is now included with PV-WAVE Advantage edition.

Visual Numerics Enhances PV-WAVE Visual Data Analysis SoftwareVisual Numerics Enhances PV-WAVE Visual Data Analysis Software

“We continue to enhance and add features to our family of PV-WAVE products,” says Margaret Journey, Senior Director of Products and Services, Rogue Wave Software, in a press statement. “Our goal is to continually increase the productivity of analytic application developers by expanding the platform support and performance capabilities of PV-WAVE. We focus on adding the most critical features and platform support that help developers continue to overcome the common challenges they face when working to analyze complex and/or extremely large datasets.”

For more information, visit Visual Numerics.

Access PV-WAVE success stories.

Explore the PV-WAVE image library.

See why DE’s Editors selected PV-WAVE 9.5 as their Pick of the Week.

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