Xi3 Shows Off New Modular Computers, Microserver Cluster

Xi3 has been touting its small, modular, “green” computer products for a while now, but at CES earlier this month, the company debuted its higher horsepower Piston product and demonstrated new server products.

At the show, the company showed off a theoretical server cluster using several Xi3 Microserv3rs fit into a custom cart that can be transported anywhere,  provides thousands of CPU and GPU cores, and operates on less than 1KW of power. The mobile data center can house up to 224 of the servers.

Small form factor is a bit of an understatement when it comes to the machines Xi3 makes; the basic unit (about the size of a grapefruit) can literally be held in the palm of your hand. The tri-board architecture makes it easier to upgrade or repair, and (according to the company) also makes it possible to extend the life of the device by several years, compared to regular PCs. The units also support multiple displays. The new Piston was funded by Valve (creators of Steam, a gaming distribution platform), and is targeted at gamers, possibly as a PC-based competitor to traditional gaming consoles.

The company also unveiled its X7A Modular Computer, a quad-core machine for power users, and the Z3RO Pro, a Linux-based dual-core machine available for less than $400 that consumes just 15 watts and is less than two inches thick.

Source: Bright Side of  News

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Brian Albright

Brian Albright is the editorial director of Digital Engineering. Contact him at [email protected].

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