BOXX Claims to Demo World’s Fastest SolidWorks Solutions at SolidWorks World 2011

3DBOXX XTREME workstations and GoBOXX 2650 mobile workstations on display.

3DBOXX XTREME workstations and GoBOXX 2650 mobile workstations on display.

By DE Editors

BOXX Technologies has announced that 3DBOXX XTREME workstations, which the company calls the world’s fastest single- and dual-processor solutions available for running SolidWorks, is demonstrating the 3D CAD software in booth #306 at SolidWorks World 2011. BOXX will also showcase the GoBOXX 2650 mobile workstation.

“3DBOXX workstations and GoBOXX mobile workstations are outstanding  platforms for DS SolidWorks,” says Nick Iwaskow, manager, Alliances, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. “As SolidWorks users themselves, BOXX relies on years of knowledge and experience to develop professional hardware solutions that both meet our standards and result in a positive experience for the end-user.”

The BOXX presence at SolidWorks World arrives on the heels of testing results published by Desktop Engineering magazine for its review of the single processor 3DBOXX 4860 XTREME. In the review, contributing editor David Cohn details how the XTREME workstation earned the highest scores of workstations tested, delivering “incredible performance” for SolidWorks and a host of other professional software applications.

With an over-clocked, six-core Intel Core i7 processor capable of reaching 4.15 GHz, the liquid-cooled 4860 XTREME provides high-powered, multitasking performance for 3D product design, engineering,  animation, VFX, and more. Also featured at the BOXX booth is the 3DBOXX 8550 XTREME, a performance-enhanced dual six-core Intel Xeon workstation. The company says the 8550 XTREME owns the top two spots on the SolidWorks Performance Test,  a SolidWorks website feature that provides users with tests to compare their systems against others. 

The BOXX booth will also include GoBOXX 2650. GoBOXX features a desktop level processor (six-core Intel Core i7), allowing users to create on the go without sacrificing professional workstation performance. At the NVIDIA booth #401, a 3DBOXX featuring NVIDIA GPUs will perform interactive ray tracing with SolidWorks and Bunkspeed SHOT, while at the Luxology booth #138, an additional 8550 XTREME along with a BOXX renderPRO, will demonstrate Modo and PhotoView 360 within the SolidWorks workflow.

For more information, visit BOXX Technologies.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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