Caustic Visualizer Plug-In for Autodesk Maya

Makes ray-traced photorealistic rendering part of the content creation workflow.

Makes ray-traced photorealistic rendering part of the content creation workflow.

By DE Editors

Imagination Technologies, a multimedia technologies company, has released its Caustic Visualizer viewport plug-in for Autodesk Maya 2013.

Imagination’s Caustic Visualizer family makes ray-traced photorealistic rendering an “integral part of the content creation work flow,” the company said.

The solution is built on the Imagination PowerVR OpenRL platform. Through OpenRL’s highly optimized CPU implementation, Caustic Visualizer can deliver an interactive photorealistic viewport experience on a CPU-only desktop. According to Imagination, when coupled with OpenRL running on the new PowerVR ray-tracing hardware reference platform, Caustic’s Visualizer software can deliver true full-frame (1024x1024) resolution imagery up to 15 photorealistic frames per second, without the need to de-res the image or add significant noise during interaction.

The plug-in supports Maya’s Hypershade render nodes and mental ray shader nodes. It also supports a full range of standard scene geometry types, including polygons, NURBS and subdivision surfaces. The plug-in is also compatible with Maya’s Point, Spot, Directional and Area Light types.

For more information, visit Imagination Technologies.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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