DARPA Working Toward Wireless Future

The future is wireless. As we move toward total Wi-Fi coverage, the need for all those cables that burrow beneath the ground or hang just in range of falling trees will begin to diminish. Total coverage also means large areas need to be covered, so you never have to play the Wi-Fi version of, “Can you hear me now?”

DARPA is working on developing a long range Wi-Fi system that is capable of transferring data at up to 100 Gbps. The idea is to extend the range for communications with soldiers in the field, without slowing down the military’s wireless Common Data Link. Long range wireless would also assist the troops when they’re deployed to areas with limited, or no, infrastructure.

Scientists have managed to create a wireless connection that allows for the transfer of far more data (2.56 Tbps), but, at this point, it only has a range of about 3 feet. The basic idea of the superfast connection uses orbital angular momentum (OAM) states to create a sort of radio wave, and the long range system may use something similar.

The problem with radio waves, as anyone who ever drove under a bridge with the radio on can tell you, is that solid objects and atmospheric conditions can severely limit broadcast clarity. DARPA hopes to overcome this problem, and is looking at research proposals to fund . Assuming it’s successful, that research will undoubtedly trickle down to the private sector, possibly making all those wires, both inside and out, a thing of the past.

Below you’ll find a short video that talks about the superfast Wi-Fi experiment.

Source: The Verge

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