Dassault Systèmes Launches “The Only Progress is Human” to Inspire Solutions to Major Global Challenges

Company says the effort is a global initiative to increase awareness of current societal and environmental challenges, and to inspire people to use the virtual world to imagine sustainable innovations for a better future.

Company says the effort is a global initiative to increase awareness of current societal and environmental challenges, and to inspire people to use the virtual world to imagine sustainable innovations for a better future.

Dassault Systèmes has launched “The Only Progress is Human,” a global initiative to increase awareness of current societal and environmental challenges, and to inspire people to use the virtual world to imagine sustainable innovations for a better future.

During a two-year period, Dassault Systèmes will engage with the public through 10 “acts” that focus on some of the most pressing issues humanity faces in health, cities, energy, water and other areas. These acts will illustrate how virtual twin experiences empower people to address challenges ranging from, “How can we better control our health in the future?” to, “How can we safeguard our most precious resource?” and drive progress by reimagining the future, changing the way products are designed and made, and creating human-centric and real-world experiences.

The first act, focused on emotion and the challenge, “How can virtual worlds change the way we experience emotions?” took place February 26 at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris to show how the virtual world can engage the intellect and the emotions, making it an enabler of positive action. The musical and visual experience called “Virtual Harmony” will feature the 3Dvarius, a fully playable 3D-printed violin—designed using Dassault Systèmes’ solutions—and a call to action for students to create the next generation of musical instruments.

“The greatest value of virtual worlds lies in the potential they offer for imagining a better future while understanding the social and environmental impacts of every design decision. Virtual will be the vital link between the imagination, the useful and the sustainable to create harmony between product, nature and life,” says Bernard Charlès, vice chairman and CEO, Dassault Systèmes. “Dassault Systèmes’ vision is to lead a transformative global shift to a new era of truly sustainable innovation with people at the forefront.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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