Printer Could Provide up to 70 Percent Speed Improvement

Anker Innovations unveils new AnkerMake M5 3D printer

Anker Innovations unveils new AnkerMake M5 3D printer

The AnkerMake M5 can print at speeds up to 2,500 mm/s. Image courtesy of AnkerMake.

Anker Innovations has launched the AnkerMake M5, a 3D printer the company claims could reduce printing time up to 70%. The AnkerMake M5 is available now on

“3D printers help us imagine a world where ideas and creative concepts can be instantly transformed into physical form. However, the reality is 3D printing can be slow, cumbersome, and difficult to figure out,” said Steven Yang, CEO of Anker Innovations. “AnkerMake is committed to removing these pain points so that artists, inventors, hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts can take advantage of a more practical tool to bring their creations to life.”

According to the company, the AnkerMake M5 is designed to set up in just three steps within 15 minutes. The unit has a basic print speed of 250 mm/s, which the company says can be used for printing jobs that require a smoother and more detailed finish. For faster print jobs, it can print at speeds up to 2,500 mm/s². In this print mode, the M5 can reduce the average print times by up to 70% in comparison to other 3D printers, the company claims.

A built-in HD camera can monitor print jobs for issues like layer splitting, spaghetti mess or nozzle plugging. When it detects an issue, the AnkerMake M5 alerts the operator. There is also a mobile app that allows users to see live feeds of print jobs.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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