Rescale Collaborates with Equinix to Offer HPC Solutions

Equinix and Equinix Cloud Exchange enable enterprises to easily migrate their on-premise infrastructure into data centers and connect to multiple cloud service providers via a single port, the companies report.

Rescale is collaborating with Equinix to offer Rescale’s suite of HPC solutions via the Equinix Cloud Exchange. Equinix and Equinix Cloud Exchange enable enterprises to easily migrate their on-premise infrastructure into data centers and connect to multiple cloud service providers via a single port, the companies report. By working with Rescale and providing access to its new product, ScaleX HyperLink, Equinix will enable secure data transfer to and from Rescale’s multi-cloud big compute environment, the company reports. ScaleX HyperLink is a fully managed service with high availability and low latency.

By working with Equinix, Rescale now offers Equinix colocation services to ‘lift and shift’ a customer’s hardware into Equinix’s secure and reliable International Business Exchange (IBX®) data centers. The collaboration enables enterprises to continue to use their capital investment in a private cloud mode via ScaleX HyperLink and enables bursting to unlimited on-demand compute resources via Rescale’s managed global multi-cloud network. Additionally, by moving hardware into an Equinix IBX data center, enterprises will have access to private, carrier-neutral, and carrier-dense interconnections. These private connections are reportedly secure with no packets traveling over the public internet.

Enterprises can use ScaleX HyperLink, by taking part in Rescale’s managed pay-as-you-go, on-demand cloud model for burst requirements. Enterprises may choose to have their data travel via private networks instead of public internet to ensure they meet data security requirements. This is a high-speed, low-latency interconnection between on-premise IT and the public cloud.

For more info, visit Rescale and Equinix.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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