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Collaborate to Innovate with Simulation Applications and Digital Twins
Digital twins, deployed through a centralized resource or as compiled simulation applications, help design engineers shape tomorrow.
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Simulation Solutions that Address Complexity
Engineering simulation software, built in dialogue with the Industry.
Part 3: Transition to Simulation Via Training
Training courses are a great place to start, but it’s essential to know what you are getting up front. Following is the necessary core content for a simulation training course.
Hope, Hype and Reality
We asked Digital Engineering's audience for their perspectives on the current and future technologies shaping design engineering, and thus the products and systems that will comprise our future.
Simufact Additive 4 Now on Market
Simufact Additive is a scalable, practitioner-oriented simulation solution predicting distortion, stress and temperature effects.
Visualize Raw Simulation Data
New release extends numerical optimization and simulation data management platforms.
Novel Machine-Learning Methodology Refines Simulation of Heart Anatomy and Function
Thornton Tomasetti Applied Science modified a pre-existing, reasonably representative, FEA model in a way that allows the simulated behavior of the heart to match the targeted behavior seen in the diseased state.
Editor’s Pick: Make Managing Complexity Less Complex
Labyrinthine design processes and simulation data management can render informed decision-making tough going. This could be your path out of the maze.
MSC’s Adams 2018.1 Release Boosts Real-Time Autonomous Vehicle Virtual Testing Accuracy
MSC Software has expanded its virtual prototyping capabilities with enhancements to Adams.
Siemens Introduces Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation Solution
The AM Process Simulation solution uses a digital twin to simulate the build process prior to printing, anticipating distortion within the printing process and automatically generating the corrected geometry to compensate for these distortions.
Editor’s Pick: Aero-Acoustics and Vibro-Acoustics Simulations Extended for Turbomachinery
New wizard helps predict tonal and broadband noise for turbomachinery.
Wizard Speeds Turbomachinery Acoustics Analyses
Integrated aero-acoustics and vibro-acoustics simulation suite updated.
Optimus Rev. 2018.1 Introduces Modeling Methods Boosted by Machine Learning
Many of the new updates that come with Optimus Rev. 2018.1 further enhance Design Space Exploration and Optimization capabilities while increasing compatibility with leading CAD/CAE solutions.
Altair Announces Agreement to Acquire Datawatch
There is opportunity to cross-sell Datawatch products into Altair’s primarily manufacturing customer base, which will be facilitated by applying Altair’s licensing models to Datawatch solutions.
Simulating Humans
HPC-backed in silico simulation could fuel the next revolution in clinical studies and treatment development.

Latest News

Nike Crafts New AI Sneakers
Company aims to influence the future of wearable AI technology.

InfoWorks ICM 2025 Delivers Enhanced Cloud Simulation Capabilities
The development team has enabled cloud simulation results to be accessible directly from a user’s desktop.

Emotors Adopts Siemens’ Simcenter NVH Solutions
Company selects Siemens solutions for NVH testing of next-generation automotive e-drives.

Orca3D Version 3 Now Available
In Version 3, instead, four modules are available and may be purchased in any combination.

Kubotek Kosmos Upgrades with KeyCreator 2024 Service Pack 1
Updates to numerous CAD file formats are incorporated in the 2024 SP1 releases of all KeyCreator CAD apps.

GE Aerospace Launches as Independent Public Company
Company positions itself to deliver long-term growth as a global leader in propulsion, services and systems.

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