America Makes Issues Two Project Calls

The projects are worth nearly $12 million in funding, according to America Makes.

The projects are worth nearly $12 million in funding, according to America Makes.

The National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM) and America Makes have announced two new open project calls funded by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering Manufacturing Technology Office (OSD (R&E)), and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) worth a total of $11.75M.

This is the largest funding opportunity launched by America Makes since its inception in 2012. Each project call has two areas of focus. One award is anticipated for each topic area with the maximum request for funding varying depending upon the topic being addressed.


The first project call, Powder Alloy Development for Additive Manufacturing (PADAM), is worth $6M and is being funded by the AFRL. This project call aims to accelerate the maturation of AM high-temperature metals to demonstrate measurable improvement in application-specific performance criteria.

The PADAM request for proposal (RFP) is separated into two topic areas:

1.    Topic 1: High-Temperature Refractory Alloys ($3.6M); and

2.    Topic 2: High-Temperature Nickel-Based Superalloys ($2.4M)

The second project call, Proliferation of AM Material Datasets, is offering a total of $5.75M in funding through OSD (R&E) and the AFRL. This project call aims to increase the number and type of pedigreed, statistically based and industrially relevant AM material datasets. The RFP also looks to encourage the proliferation of these learnings, practices and data to a more expansive cross-section of the AM supply chain by requiring partnerships with small businesses.

The Proliferation of AM Material Datasets RFP is also separated into two topic areas:

1.    Topic 1: Aluminum Alloy Material Dataset ($2.875M)

2.    Topic 2: High-Temperature Nick-Based Superalloys ($2.875M)

Proposers for the project calls are advised to reference the RFP for full details and guidelines.

Powder Alloy Development for Additive Manufacturing Project Call, visit here.

Proliferation of AM Material Datasets Project Call, visit here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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