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ESI OpenCFD Releases OpenFOAM v2212

The new functionality represents development sponsored by OpenCFD's customers.

The new functionality represents development sponsored by OpenCFD's customers.

OpenCFD, a subsidiary of ESI Group, has released OpenFOAM v2212. This release extends OpenFOAM-v2206 features across many areas of the code. The new functionality represents development sponsored by OpenCFD's customers, internally funded developments, and integration of features and changes from the OpenFOAM community.

OpenFOAM is distributed by OpenCFD under the GPL License. In addition to source code packages suitable for compilation on a variety of Linux and other POSIX systems, this release also has a number of pre-compiled binary packages:

Windows users have three options for pre-compiled packages (more information):

  • Using Windows Subsystem for Linux (based on Ubuntu, openSUSE etc.)
  • Native executables with cross-compiled
  • A docker installation

OpenFOAM apptainer support is provided via description files rather than pre-assembled images:

See packaging/containers.

Mac OSX users have the option to compile from source, or use Docker containers for pre-compiled packages (more information).

For more more detail, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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