Saelig Introduces the PS6407

The USB-powered 5GSa/s digitizer provides data capture for industrial and scientific applications.

The USB-powered 5GSa/s digitizer provides data capture for industrial and scientific applications.

By DE Editors

PicoScopeSaelig Company Inc. has introduced the PS6407-a USB-connected digitizer. With four 1 GHz 50-ohm analog inputs and a 5 GS/s real-time sampling rate, the PS6407 can handle a wide variety of signals.

The PS6407’s 1 Gigasample memory buffer allows capture of long data records, while the USB streaming mode allows for continuous capture of unlimited amounts of data at up to 13 MSa/s. Additionally, the PS6407 can digitize a 1GHz sine wave with a timing resolution of 200 ps.

The software development kit (SDK) supplied allows the digitizer to be integrated into any programming environment that supports C-calls. This includes Visual Basic, C++ and C#, and instrumentation software such as National Instruments LabVIEW.

The PS6407 can also be used with standard PicoScope software to provide all of the functions of a fast oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. The PS6407 also includes a built-in function/arbitrary-waveform generator, with an external trigger input. The internal buffer stores each captured waveform for subsequent review.

For more information, visit Saelig.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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